The Continuum of Care (CoC) Program is a community plan to organize and deliver housing and services to meet the specific needs of people who are homeless as they move to stable housing and maximum self-sufficiency.A community-wide commitment to facilitate movement towards permanent independent living, requires a long-range, collaborative and integrated approach in which like-minded organizations leverage respective core competencies and capabilities.

In the past, homeless services have been fragmented at best.CoC planning helps providers identify ways of linking resources to avoid duplication and facilitate movement toward self-sufficiency. PSI’s role in the CoC Program is to coordinate, collaborate and reciprocate services, effectively creating joint effort solutions to better address the Veteran as a whole.By developing local and national partnerships, PSG is able to support Veterans and their service providers through PHI & PTI and expand collective

PSI strives to foster an array of service offerings to Veterans by connecting with local VA Teams, Veteran Service Organizations (VSOs) and other community resources that assist with employment, benefit claims, counseling services, food, clothing temporary housing, healthcare, education benefits and more.Veteran “Buy-in” is improved, community supportive services and programs thrive, and Veterans and their families ultimately benefit.

Charitable Waiver Program & Non-Eviction Policy

PSG understand the path to independence isn’t always seamless. There are potholes in the road. Life happens and occasional financial difficulties can sometimes be the result.

In each of their communities, PSG has implemented a “Charitable Waiver Program and a “Non-Eviction Policy” to assist all residents with rental support when it’s needed.

Homelessness is never acceptable and these programs help alleviate this from becoming a reality.

Career and Educational Services

We help connect veterans to career and educational supportive services. This includes navigating and applying for G.I. Bill and Vocational Rehabilitation VA programs, financial aid, and determining the best academic program that matches with a veteran’s interests and career goals.

Food and Clothing Assistance

Finding access to everyday necessities like food and clothing can be a struggle for our formerly “at-risk” veterans. We work closely with local and national organizations who specialize in food and clothing drives, outreach initiatives, pantries, and many other integral efforts.